Riding a bike during a pandemic

Photo credit: Susan Whitehouse

Photo credit: Susan Whitehouse

Our daily lives have changed dramatically in the past few weeks as the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread around the world. We’d like to help explain what the virus means for cycling in London.

We urge our community to follow the most up-to-date public health guidelines around COVID-19 even if you’re symptom free, including avoiding non-essential trips and practicing physical distancing to help slow the spread of infection.

Note this information is up-to-date as of April 7, 2020.

So can I still ride my bike?


As long as you are not infected with COVID-19, symptomatic, or otherwise self-isolating.

Riding a bicycle is compatible with physical distancing. The City of Calgary even notes the 2 metres (6 feet) is about the distance of a bicycle (a practical reminder!):

Riding a bike extends how far you can travel to buy groceries or pick up prescriptions without sharing a vehicle. Cycling opens up our neighbourhoods when many of us are feeling locked in.

Exercise is still important for maintaining your physical and mental health.

Can I ride with groups or friends?


We do not recommend group rides or social rides even if you are keeping 2 metres apart. The only exception is for people that you are currently residing with.

Ride, but ride solo.

I heard that parks are closed. Can I still ride on park trails?

At this point, city parks’ green spaces, including multi-use trails, currently remain open and accessible. Regular trail etiquette applies. Cyclists should not exceed 20km/h when travelling in a park according to the Parks By-laws, and must always yield to pedestrians. Please warn people you’re coming by using your bell or saying politely “on your left”.

Be prepared for multi-use trails to be busier than usual, particularly on weekends.  Consider using cycling routes, as there is limited public space available to pedestrians that are also out seeking some fresh air.

How do I know where to ride?

Many trips under 5km for groceries, prescriptions, and other essentials can easily be done by bicycle. Running errands by bike is often faster and more convenient than driving or taking public transit. While investing in a rack and bike-specific storage equipment is handy for frequent or longer trips, an ordinary backpack can get it done. We do not recommend looping bags over your handlebars as they can create a safety hazard by upsetting your balance or getting caught in your wheel.

Temporary active transportation routes

The current state of emergency means more people are working from home and non-essential businesses are closed. Motor vehicle traffic has decreased and anecdotally, we have heard many people cycling have been feeling more comfortable riding on London roads. London Cycle Link still recommends taking routes with dedicated cycling infrastructure as much as possible.

Recently, Blackfriars Bridge and the curblane on Kensington Bridge have been closed to vehicular traffic to allow for increased pedestrian and bicycle movements. If you’re in the area, give them a try while you can!

Where can I get my bike repaired?

As of April 3, bike shops are no longer explicitly identified in the province’s essential services list, though vehicle repair or service remains essential. As bicycles are vehicles, we believe that bike shops are still included.

Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, many essential activities happen on bicycle:

  • cargo and food delivery

  • picking up family groceries/medication

  • commutes by workers to essential services  

Cycling is a key part of our transportation network, and bike shops are vital to supporting that transportation network.

Many shops, including Squeaky Wheel and our supporters, are taking extra precautions including reducing hours, accepting business by appointment only, or offering home delivery.

If you need service or parts, call ahead or email to find out what your local bike shop’s current situation is.

Remember to practice physical distancing as much as possible to protect yourself and bike shop staff.

Help us through this turbulent time

Like all of you, London Cycle Link is monitoring the situation and preparing for some financial uncertainty. Our advocacy, education, and outreach work is continuing and we continue to seek new and innovative ways to deliver our work throughout COVID-19 and beyond.

If you are able to, please consider making a donation, becoming a member, or purchasing a gift card for Squeaky Wheel. Any contribution helps keep our advocacy, education and encouragement work going. Your support means we are able to continue working with you to help more Londoners ride more often; bravery not required!

This post was adapted from Cycle TO’s similar post about COVID-19 in Toronto.
